Here are some of my favorite places to visit:

- E-cards - for those who are just incurably nice and thoughtful, try www.bluemountain.com or www.cardcentral.net, if you have more time to look around.

- Good reading - The Journal of Biological Chemistry and Scientific American

- News - CNN

- Movies - E! has a site for reviews, and those of you in New Orleans can see what's playing at The Palace.

- If you have ever wondered how savvy an investor you would be if you were loaded, try CNNfn's Final Bell. You will be given a hundred thousand fantasy dollars to do with as you wish... However, it is a little aggravating to make huge profits that are only imaginary.

- Since neither Ann Taylor nor Banana Republic condescend to have a website, the next best thing I can think of is J. Crew.


